What are Omnies?

Omnies are a unique collection of 200 Genesis and 8,888 Generative Hand Drawn NFTs living on the Ethereum blockchain in Omnia, the realm of the Gods.
Omnies is a community driven project. Our core team is composed of seven individuals from various industries and disciplines. All of whom are extremely passionate about the Crypto and NFT space.
Our goal with Omnies is to foster a community focusing on growth & development. The future direction of the project will be determined by the Omnies community.
Have you ever wondered what goes into creating an NFT? Have you wanted to be a part of an NFT but not have the time? Are you passionate about the crypto and NFT space?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above then you have come to the right place. Are you worthy?


The Omnia Accord

The Imprisoned Deities

Infernals Uprising

The Great Omniwar

The Four Factions


The Heroics descend from Mt. Omnia high in the sky. True of heart and possessing extreme strength, flight and the power to control lightning the Heroics came to the Atlins and Mystics aid during the Great Omniwar to push back the Infernals.


The Infernals are a crude race with a fierce desire to rule Omnia and gain sovereignty across the realm. Possessing extreme strength and the power to control fire and earth the Infernals initiated the Great Omniwar. After 100 years of fighting the Infernals were vanquished into the forgotten realm 10,000 years ago following the Great Omniwar.


The Atlins control the oceans and come from 10,000 leagues below the surface. With the power of the sea and all it’s creatures and extreme strength, the Atlins abilities were crucial in pushing the Infernals back into the Forgotten Realm.


The Mystics are a race of few words with the power of magic lived. They are a very powerful yet peaceful race that lives deep in the enchanted forest, a realm near impossible to reach without the use of magic.


Phase 1
We believe that a faction is only as strong as its weakest link. We will be searching far and wide for those worthy of attaining the title of ‘Omnimpian’ to join our community and contribute to the realm.
Phase 2
Our focus is on member feedback and building a close-knit Omnie community. We will be seeking community input and insights to ensure our collection is the best it can be.
Phase 3
Launch of 200 Genesis Omnies (50 Atlins, 50 Heroics, 50 Mystics, 50 Infernals).
Phase 7
Launch of 8,888 Generative Omnies (2,222 Atlins, 2,222 Heroics, 2,222 Mystics, 2,222 Infernals).
Phase 6
Launch of The Omnia Store to facilitate the sale of merchandise, games and accessories.
Phase 5
The Forger will Giveaway rare items to a select few Omnimpians deemed worthy in each faction. The Forger values Communication, Passion and Creativity.
Phase 4
Launch of the “Genesis Tribunal.” The Tribunal outcome will determine the future direction of the project. All Genesis Omnimpians ideas will be heard and put to a vote amongst the community.

The Council


Project Manager & Lead Artist

Known across all the realms in Omnia as a Visionary, The Forgers unparalleled devotion and creativity makes him the creative genius behind content curation.


Dev Wizard

Driven by a strong desire to develop unique projects and applications, Mr. Wzrd is the Technical guru behind the projects Dev Ops.


Loremaster & BI Dev

Devoted to Omnia, Jbodangles analytical rigor & creativity makes him the master in strategic planning, business operations and Lore curation.

Director Narb

Community Manager & Artist

Director Narb, known for his creativeness and commitment, is in charge of creating a close-knit & inclusive realm. Along with assisting in Project design curation.


Innovation Specialist

spacecookies.eth of Omnia, master of knowledge and seeker of answers curates innovation opportunities and outreach.



In the vast world of Omnia, JustAnt aids in the creative process of various concepts and designs.


Marketing Director

Perpetuating the legend of the Omnies among the farthest reaches of humanity, SpitXFire performs alchemy to allure the masses.


Project Advisor

Although outsiders are seldom worthy of a seat among the Omnies, Dillydilly has proved himself as an invaluable advisor to the council and the realm by advising the council on project development

Are you worthy to wield the power of an Omnie?

Test Your Luck